June 24 Monday
Arrival and registration
17:00 Welcome Party
June 25 Tuesday
Chairman :
09:30 Welcome from the Workshop hosts
Yu.D. Mamontov (Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant)
09:45 S. Bilenky (JINR, Russia)
Memories about Bruno Pontekorvo. Pictures.
10:30 A. Bernstein (LLNL, USA)
WATCHMAN WATer CHerenkov Monitoring of Anti-Neutrinos
11:05 Coffee break
Chairman :
11:30 A. Etenko (NRNU MEPhI, Russia) Coherent neutrino scattering and reactor monitoring
12:00 A. Chepurnov (SINP MSU, Russia)
Development of an industrial prototype of the liquid-scintillator detector
for the neutrino monitoring of nuclear reactors
12:30 F. Suekane (RCNS, Tohoku University, Japan)
Reactor neutrino projects in Japan
13:10 Lunch
Chairman : V.Egorov
14:10 H. Wong (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Search for neutrino magnetic moment – experiment
14:40 D. Medvedev (JINR, Russia)
GEMMA experiment
15:10 E. Yakushev (JINR, Russia)
Development of Low Energy Threshold HPGe Detectors at JINR
15:40 H. Wong (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Dark matter and reactor neutrino physics with sub-kev germanium
16:10 Coffee break
Chairman :
16:30 A. Buzulutskov (NSU and Budker INP, Russia)Cryogenic avalanche detectors for rare-event experiments
17:00 S. Pereverzev (LLNL, USA)
Megavolt voltages in large noble liquid detector
17:30-18:00 Time for round table discussions. Focus on low threshold detectors.
June 26 Wednesday
Chairman : S.Bilenky
09:30 K.K. Joo (Chonnam National University, South Korea)A new result of θ13 from RENO and a future project RENO-50
10:00 M. Gonchar (JINR, Russia)
A new result of θ13 from Daya Bay and a future project Daya Bay II
10:30 I. Shimizu (RCNS, Tohoku University, Japan)
KamLAND and long range reactor neutrino sensitivities
11:00 D. Naumov (JINR, Russia)
Current status of neutrino mixing and masses
11:30 Coffee break
Chairman : D.Naumov
11:50 A. Hayes-Sterbenz (LANL, USA)Reanalysis of the reactor neutrino anomaly
12:20 I. Tkachev (INR, Russia)
Sterile neutrinos: from lab to cosmos
13:00 Lunch
Chairman : V.Danilov
14:00 J. Link (Virginia Tech, USA)Sterile neutrinos
14:30 N. Bowden (LLNL,USA)
Development of a U.S. short baseline oscillation experiment
15:10 V. Egorov (JINR, Russia)
Detector DANSS: from reactor monitoring to sterile neutrino
15:50 A. Serebrov (Petersburg NPI, Russia)
Present and future prospects of Neutrino-4 experiment
16:10 A. Fomin (Petersburg NPI, Russia)
Monte Carlo simulation of Neutrino-4 experiment
16:30 Coffee break
Chairman : A.Chepurnov
16:50 V. Gorbachev (Baksan INR, Russia)Search for sterile neutrino with SAGE gallium detector
17:20 O. Smirnov (JINR, Russia)
Short distance neutrino oscillations with Borexino: SOX project
17:50 – 18:30 Time for round table discussions. Focus on sterile neutrinos
21:00 Banquet
June 27 Thursday
Excursion to the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant
June 28 Friday
Chairman : H.Wong
09:30 K. Scholberg (Duke University, USA)Neutrino coherent scattering
10:10 K. Patton (North Carolina State University, USA)
Neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering as a probe of nuclear neutron
density distributions
10:50 A. Bolozdynya (NRNU MEPhI, Russia)
Technology of two-phase emission detectors: present status and
perspectives of development
11:30 Coffee break
Chairman :
11:50 D. Akimov (ITEP, Russia)Program of measurements of ionization yield of sub-keV nuclear recoils
in LXe at MEPhi research reactor
12:30 V. Sosnovsev (NRNU MEPhI, Russia)
Study of RED100 materials on radioactive impurities
13:00 Lunch
Chairman : E.Yakuchev
14:00 O. Kochetov (JINR, Russia)Low background BiPo detector for SuperNEMO experiment
14:30 V. Belov (ITEP, Russia)
EXO-200 low background detector
15:00 A. Smolnikov (JINR/MPIK, Russia/Germany)
First results of GERDA experiment
15:30 Time for round table discussions. Focus on the coherent scattering.
16:00 Summary
June 29 Saturday