F.T. Avignone, III (South Carolina USA)
S.T. Belyaev (NRC KI Russia)
A. Bernstein (LLNL USA)
A.E. Bondar (INPh Russia)
M.V. Danilov (ITEP Russia)
E. Fiorini (Milano Italy)
G. Gratta (Standford USA)
T. Lasserre (Saclay France)
W. Louis (LANL USA)
V.A. Matveev (JINR)
A.G. Olshevsky (JINR)
V.A. Rubakov (INR Russia)
K. Scholberg (Duke USA)
A.Yu. Smirnov (ICTP Italy)
L. Stodolsky (MPP Germany)
M.N. Strihanov (NRNU MEPhI Russia)
A. Suzuki (KEK Japan)
Y. Wang (IHEP China)
A.I. Bolozdynya (MEPhi)
V.B. Brudanin (co-chairman, JINR)
Yu.V. Efremenko (co-chairman, MEPhI)
A.V. Khromov (MEPhi)
V.E. Kovalenko (scientific secretary, JINR)
T.D. Krakhmalova (MEPhi)
A.A. Smolnikov(JINR)
The International Workshop on Non-Accelerator New Physics
(NANPino-2013) will be held in "Valday" resort, Novgorod region,
RUSSIA, on June 24-29, 2013. By this Workshop we restart series of
conferences that were hold in Dubna some time ago.
The traditional purpose of the Conference is to highlight the
present status and prospects of searching for new physics beyond the
Standard Model in non-accelerator experiments. Complementarity of
accelerator and non-accelerator searches is a traditional leit-motif
of the NANP conference.
NANPino-2013 Workshop will be focused on the reactor neutrino
- Low threshold reactor antineutrino detectors
- The magnetic moment of the neutrino
- Coherent scattering of neutrinos
- Detectors to search for sterile antineutrinos from reactors
- Detectors and experiments to measure the mixing angle Theta13
- GERDA and MAJORANA low-threshold detectors
WORKSHOP SPONSORS: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna,
Russia), National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow,
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM: The scientific program of the NANPino-2013 is now
under consideration. It will consist of invited and original talks.
Preliminary Scientific Program includes the following speakers:
D.Yu.Akimov (ITEP/MEPhI, Russia)
"Program Or Measurements Of Ionisation Yield Of Sub-kev-
Nuclear Recoils In LXe At MEPhI Research Reactor"
A.Bernstein (LLNL, USA)
"Large Water Cherenkov Detectors With Sensitivity To Reactor
A.Bolozdynya (NRNU MEPhI, Russia)
"Technology Of Two-Phase Emission Detectors: Present Status
and Perspectives of Development"
N.Bowden (LLNL, USA)
"Development of a U.S. Short Baseline Reactor Oscillation
D.Budjas (Technische Universität München, Germany)
"Low-energy Background In GERDA-LArGe Test Facility With HPGe
Detector Operated In LAr "
A.Buzulutskov (NSU and Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics,Russia)
"Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors For Rare-Event Experiments"
S.M.Bilenky (JINR, Russia)
"Memories About Pontekorvo"
V.Egorov (JINR, Russia)
"Detector DANSS: From Reactor Monitoring To Sterile Neutrino"
A.Etenko (NRNU MEPhI, Russia)
"Coherent Neutrino Scattering And Reactor Monitoring"
A.Fomin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,Russia)
"Monte Carlo Simulation Of “Neutrino-4” Experiment"
M.Gonchar (JINR, Russia)
"A New Result Of Theta_13 From Daya Bay And A Future Project
Daya Bay II"
A.Hayes-Sterbenz (LANL, USA)
"Reanalysis Of The Reactor Neutrino Anomaly"
K.K.Joo (Chonnam National University, South Korea)
"A New Result Of Theta_13 From Reno And A Future Project
O.Kochetov (JINR, Russia)
"Selection Of Low Background Materials"
J.Link (Virginia Tech,USA)
"Sterile Neutrinos"
D.V.Medvedev (JINR,Russia)
"Gemma Experiment"
D.Naumov (JINR, Russia)
"Global Analysis Of Neutrino Mixing And Masses"
K.Patton (North Carolina State University, USA)
"Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering As A Probe Of Nuclear
Neutron DensIty Distributions"
S.V.Pereverzev (LLNL,USA)
"Megavolt Voltages In Large Noble Liquid Detector"
A.Serebrov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia)
"Present and Future Prospects Of Neutrino-4 Experiment"
I.Shimizu (Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University,
O.Smirnov (JINR, Russia)
"Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations With BoreXino : SOX
V.Sosnovtsev (NRNU MEPhI, Russia)
"Study of RED100 Materials On Radioactive Impurities"
F.Suekane (RCNS, Tohoku University, Japan)
"Reactor Neutrino Projects in Japan"
I.Tkachev (INR RAS, Russia)
"Sterile Neutrinos: From Lab to Cosmos"
H.T.WONG (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
"Dark Matter and Reactor Neutrino Physics With Sub-keV
Germanium Detectors"
E.Yakushev (JINR, Russia)
"Development of Low Energy Threshold HPGe Detectors at JINR"
The Organizing Committee continues working on the program. The
final version will be available with the other materials of the
Conference at the Registration Desk.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow, Russia).
PLACE: The Conference will be held in Valday resort "Valday". It is
located 140 km from Novgorod and 18 km from the city of Valday in a
picturesque part, also called "mermaid mountain" on the lake Uzhin
(Dinner). The Workshop sessions will take place at the local
Conference Center.
REGISTRATION: It is expected that most participants will arrive on
Monday, 24 June. Conference Registration Desk in the hotel will be
open between 18:00 and 22:00 on Monday, 24 June. Registration will
continue in the morning of the Conference Center on Tuesday, 25
LANGUAGE OF THE WORKSHOP: The official language is English.
ACCOMMODATION: Participants will be housed in the resort "Valday",
Novgorod region. The full information about the accommodation can be
found at the Conference web page.
PRESENTATION: Projection equipment will be available for computer
presentations. Speakers are requested to have USB Flash Drives in
PPT/ODF/PDF formats.
REGISTRATION FEES: The registration fee will amount to 150 euros (6000
Russian rubles) per participant and 100 euros (4000 Russian rubles)
for the accompanying person. The registration fee includes: rent a
conference hall, all local expenses in "Valday" resort (transfer
from the Bologoe railway station to the "Valday" resort, coffee and
snacks) a welcome party, a banquet, social events and
Proceedings. Payment can be done at the Conference office by cash
only. Credit cards will not be accepted.
SOCIAL PROGRAM: A number of social events are planned. A welcome
party is scheduled for the evening of June 24 and a banquet will be
held on the Thursday evening, June 27. An excursion to the Neutrino
Cave of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant is foreseen on Thursday,
June 27, 2013. A pleasure boat trip on the lake Uzhin to the Valday
Iversky Monastery will be organized in the late afternoon on Friday,
June 28.
The Organizing Committee will arrange direct transportation by car
from Moscow to Bologoe/Okulovka railway stations to Valday resort. Not
later than FIVE(5) working days before arrival, participants wishing
to be met should inform the NANPino-2013 Contact Person by e-mail of their arrival date and time.
The easiest way to get Valday resort from Moscow is to take a
high-speed train SAPSAN to the railway station Bologoe or
Okulovka. It is recommended to buy electron tickets in advance on
the web page of the Russian railway company (see links on in the TRAVEL INFO menu).
The SAPSAN train departs from the Leningrad railway
Station in Moscow. Leningrad railway station can be reached in
Moscow by underground metro train, it is at Komsomolskaya stop.
Three SAPSAN trains stop at the station Bologoe (80 km from Valday
resort). One train stops at Okulovka (18km from Valday resort)
railway station. Travel time to Bologoe station is ~2h15min. The one
way ticket price is ~2000 Russian rubles (~50 euros). There are many
other trains go to the Bologoe and Okulovka stations from
Moscow. The way in such trains will take ~twice more time than by
SAPSAN train.
At the exit from the railway station there is a meeting area where
the participants will be met by an Organizing Committee
representative with the poster ``NANPino-2013, Valday''.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE is available by the cash machine in Valday resort.
In the Valday area the end of June -- beginning of July is usually the
time with sunshine, but it occasionally gives way to colder weather
with rains. The average daily temperature is 23 degrees C while the
average overnight temperature is 15 degrees C.
Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
Joliot Curie 6, Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980 RUSSIA
Yuriy Efremenko Tel : +7 965 266 9797; +1 865-406-4846
Victor Brudanin Tel: +7 49621 62649
Vera Kovalenko Tel: +7 910 451 5873.